Saturday, January 09, 2016

Is Tarantino's Hateful 8 Really a Boon to Climate Change?!

In the very first sentence that Thomas Sotinel writes about the Hateful Eight in his (otherwise unconvinced) Le Monde film review, we learn that one virtue that we can find in the western is "the help that Quentin Tarantino brings to climate change."
The only thing left to perpetuate the memory of snow is cinema
Thomas Sotinel:
L’avis du « Monde » – on peut éviter
Si l’on peut trouver une vertu aux 8 Salopards, c’est le secours que ce huitième long-métrage de Quentin Tarantino apporte en période de changement climatique. Il ne reste que le cinéma pour perpétuer le souvenir de la neige, de l’enveloppement du monde dans un linceul. Et quand un monde enneigé est filmé sur une pellicule argentique de 70 mm, le port des verres filtrants est recommandé, tant de splendeur peut provoquer des lésions irrémédiables aux rétines des spectateurs.
Incidentally, we also learn that Tarantino's eighth movie is inspired partially by André de Toth's La Chevauchée des bannis (Day of the Outlaw, 1958).

In other news, we learn that the maker of Django Unchained has called the Confederate flag an American swastika. Which we must all thank the director for (very profusely), as — once again — it reminds everybody that Godwin's Law is an absolute double standard that applies to conservatives alone and that only serves to shame the right and in the process make them shut up.