Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jiri Dolezal's Hunger Strike: The Type of News That the MSM Doesn't Make Waves About

You have been told about opposition to Bush's policies, and to the Iraq war, and to the anti-ballistic missile shield in the Czech Republic and Poland, have you not? And should any protesters engage in a hunger strike, you would expect that to be front-page news too, right?

Well, it so happens, that there has been a hunger strike, but the reason that you haven't heard about it (or that it has been hidden at the bottom of an article, one single mainstream media article) is that Jiří X. Doležal is holding his strike in favor of the missile plans, stating that
installing a radar base in his country would buttress national security and was an important expression of assertiveness after decades of Czech passivity under communist occupation.

He called opponents of the plans a fringe of leftist radicals who were succumbing "to traditional Czech cowardice."

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