Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Gentle Europe

Where a fascist political punter can find flaws in admitting to any sort of inhumanity, even 60 year later.

Jean-Marie Le Pen "regrets" that President Jacques Chirac acknowledged the French government's responsibility for deporting French Jews during the Holocaust. In an interview published Sunday in Le Parisian, the extreme right-wing candidate in France’s presidential elections said, "Chirac was the only president to do it. Not even [Francois] Mitterrand did it."
Nonetheless, one thing is clear, the public shows itself to be even more uncouth, not to mention vulgar and violent.
"In two countries - France and Norway - chief rabbis are calling on Jews not to step outside with Jewish symbols on their person," said Prof. Dina Porat, who edited the report along with Stauber.

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The breakdown of anti-Semitic incidents worldwide is heavily tilted toward Western Europe, which witnessed 54% of them, followed by North America - whose Jewish population is over five times the size of Western Europe's - with just 17% and the former Soviet Union with 13%.
To translate that into simpler terms, the risk to the individual is nearly 16 times higher in western Europe than in North America.

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