Friday, June 16, 2006

There is no admitting mistakes, so moonbats can only go from bad to worse

Le Monde is running an article on the lack of popularity of the mall-punk style organization of political fringe loonies called Attac. The irony is that they are losing favor with « altermondialistes » in all likelihood because they now seem too “establishment”.
There entire dealio is getting worked up over the existence of people who have some money (unless their name is Castro or Chavez.)

However their Trotskite vision of endless protest and revolution has it’s weakness, apart from the fact that it destroys any society it infects.
It’s easy for people to step away from their cannibalistic vision of society when they see their own career efforts providing them with a decent living. In other word, their ideas are a sort of recessive gene in a successful society, and the only way to keep their meal ticket is to continue pushing the envelope of extreme measures and proposals. But with the battiest of moonbats battered by a lack of success of their world-view, that isn’t enough.

Like all lefty hypocrites, one of their hundreds of efforts was that they advocated taxing all financial transactions in order to chip away at capitalism by ending the buying and selling of stocks and other instruments. As advocates of high taxation socialist redistribution, they know full well that if you want to kill anything vibrant, all you have to do is tax it to death. It’s precisely what they advocate for the society at large as well.

Nonetheless they are all largely raving capitalists who froth at the mouth:

«Whereas altermondialism produces bestselling books, sells documentaries, and is continually putting out press conferences in France, Attac plays less of a part in this. “it’s obvious that Attac has less influence”, says Cédric Durand, joint author of the book Altermondialists, chronicles of a changing revolution.

[ ... ]

[They had a] small presence during the anti-CPE protests, and didn’t succeed in entering the debate on immigration… They don’t seem to know how to rebound, even if the local committees are still very active.
Criticism came even from the most puzzling of places:
They debates with the knife in a conflict without end under the inspiration of its’ president Jacques Nikonoff, but has worn out a lot of its’ goodwill. They have been losing manpower for two years. After a losing touch with the young: “Attac is perceived to be a traditional organization and lost of its influence in the young people”, notes Nicolas Haeringer of the Brigade Activist Clowns, a civil disobedience group.
Does this just shows the strength of the powerful Clown lobby, or are we talking real trouble here for Attac? Tune in next week, since Bozo and friends are sure to be with us for quite a while.

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