Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Cold War Bomb Parcel Seems to Be Ignored by the French Media

There are few things the French like more than unearthing a piece of history that (allegedly) shows the Americans as idiots, bastards, deviants, or treacherous swine. (Thus, thanks to George Clooney, the unspeakable horrors of the McCarthy era have become a fashionable topic again.)

Others tend to get a free pass. Thus, unless I am mistaken, the mainstream media has so far been ignoring what was not only an almost-50-year-old assassination attempt during the Cold War but what was in fact a Soviet attempt to cause an explosion at a meeting attended by leading French politicians (obrigado para Luís Afonso Assumpção de Porto Alegre). This type of plot, of course, is one reason people like McCarthy decided that Soviet communism had to be countered in the first place.

And if the 1957 plot starts getting coverage, you can bet that it will be passed over very quickly. No wonder the French believe they can be friends to all, from democrats to despots. Any information to the contrary is belittled, rationalised, or ignored…

(Speaking of Cold War plots…)

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