Friday, February 10, 2006

Lord Mayor scheduled to get up with fleas

A Day Older (adloyada - tut, tut...) points out what Red Ken’s political ‘posse’ has in common with Ahmedinajad:

«Now I wonder if anyone will ask Ken about his views of what his friend Sheikh Qaradawi said here about the Holocaust in this sermon last Friday which was aired on Qatar TV?
The governments must be pressured to demand that the U.N. adopt a clear resolution or law that categorically prohibits affronts to prophets - to the prophets of the Lord and His messengers, to His holy books, and to the religious holy places. This is so that nobody can cause them harm. They enacted such laws in order to protect the Jews and Judaism. Like some Danes have said: 'We can mock Jesus and his mother.' They were asked: 'Can you mock the Jews?' Here they stopped. The Jews are protected by laws - the laws that protect Semitism, and nobody can say even one word about the number [of victims] in the alleged Holocaust.
Elsewhere she gives an example of the pointlessness of even trying to carry around ‘that are of peacefulness’ as it’s currently described by the left. Worse still it’s a attempt they try to make only by way of personal association with those they believe are “peace’s ambassadors to the world of lunacy.” Yet another failure all around when they won’t take a moment to even pretend to talk about the way Islamists address their fetishizing of death and calling for death at every stubbed toe.

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