Saturday, September 03, 2005

More on Chiraq

Not! Who cares, anyway? Villepin just finished a long drawn-out live speech to a UMP youth group which sounded like he was either trying to boost the kids' morale (in which case Chiraq has already kicked the bucket which would be a shame -- it would completely undo the beneficial effects on the national psyche of Zidane's comeback -- can you imagine?!?) or build himself up as a Presidential candidate (in which case Chiraq is hanging by a thread, peut-être dans l'attente de se faire bérégovoyisé à Val de Grâce). Villepin saw fit to talk about the United States (the effects of Katrina and the continuing instability in Iraq) throughout his speech. This is now considered standard procedure for all Kontinental Zeropean politicians. All eyez on the US, the better not to see their own creeping irrelevance.

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